Order, change or cancel

  • how can I place an order?

    Place your products in your digital shopping cart via the big green button. If you place the order with your account, this will be even faster because we already know you.

    No account?
    You can also order without an account, we will then need your details.

  • How do I cancel my order?

    You can only cancel if your order has not yet left our warehouse. Has your order already been shipped? Then you can refuse it at the door or return it free of charge via the online return form.

    Do not have an account? Then you will be helped fastest via WhatsApp.
    Send a message that you want to cancel your order, with the order number, to WhatsApp.

  • How do I change my order?

    You can only change your order if you have not yet received a shipping confirmation. Contact our customer service to change the name or address of your order.

  • I want to change my address

    Have you ordered something that has been sent to an incorrect address and have you not yet received a shipping confirmation? Please pass it on to our customer service. We will then see if we can still adjust the address of the shipment.
    When moving, you can easily change your address in your account.