
All part of the same company.

Bik-Bik has been active in several areas in recent years. Together with several companies, we have all tried to put our customers first and to ensure that you can buy quality for a competitive price.

Everyone introduce themselves so you know exactly who works behind all those websites!

    Originated from two Bikken who are each druggists. Bik-Bik originated from Leiden and Haarlem.
    The 2 men introduce themselves on the page Introducing Bik-Bik! Knowing more? click here

    Pills, vitamins, minerals and all those other supplements form a veritable jungle of pills! Fortunately, at Vitaminedesk they know exactly how to navigate that jungle. The employees of Vitaminedesk are happy to help you, know more about Vitaminedesk. They would like to introduce themselves on the page Introducing Vitamin Desk. Knowing more? click here

    Has everything on natural care for healthy and responsible skin.
    Lynn and her employees have found a wonderful place at Bik-Bik. We are very happy with the collaboration, 2B also likes to introduce itself on the page Introducing 2B. Read more? click here

    New toothbrush or advice on keeping your teeth healthy? At WTO (as they are called with us, otherwise we always stumble over the name) they have the right products and knowledge of these products. Together with various experts, they work on a healthy oral flora every day!
    Who are WTO? Read more on Introducing WitteTandenOnline ne discover who is who!

    Maybe our naughty corner in the shop. Fortunately, we brought them into our home because sexuality is also an everyday occurrence.
    The people at Jon4g all have years of experience in toys but also in Club wear. Feel free to ask them for advice.