Actually, we don’t want you to come to this page!
Unfortunately, sometimes something does not go well, does it not run as expected, is a product defective or delivered incorrectly?
Please contact our customer service or via the contact form . We try to solve the problem for you as quickly and effectively as possible.
You can expect a response from us within 3 days at the latest. Often faster. How it goes after that depends on your complaint. For business about a product, we are often dependent on the suppliers, with whom we have to consult. Sometimes the product also has to be sent back and forth, which of course takes some time.
But: we will arrange it for you and keep you informed of the progress!
Bik-Bik is all about old-fashioned quality, so also with these kinds of things! That is why we have fortunately never needed the disputes committee. We like to keep our service level more than up to standard. So even if you have a comment for improvement, we’d love to hear it.
From 15 February 2016 it is also possible for consumers in the EU to register complaints via the ODR platform of the European Commission. This ODR platform can be found at .
If your complaint is not yet being handled elsewhere, you are free to file your complaint via the European Union platform.\”