Prevalin Direct Eye Drops - Medical Device Prevalin Direct Eye Drops are an ophthalmic solution with 0.2% sodium hyaluronate and distilled waters of chamomile, witch hazel and cornflower. The properties of these ingredients soothe and calm irritation, dryness, burning and the sensation of foreign particles in the eyes in: • hay fever (allergic rhinitis), dust mite and animal allergies • environmental elements (wind, sun, smoke, air conditioning, prolonged computer use) • eye surgery (when diagnosed by a doctor) • eye inflammation (when diagnosed by a doctor) • use of contact lenses Application Prevalin Direct Eye Drops work quickly and effectively with hay fever, house dust mites and animal allergies. The moisturizing and refreshing eye drops provide quick relief for: 1. Itchy eyes 2. Watery eyes 3. Dry eyes 4. Red eye 5. Tired eyes The ingredients of these 5-in-1 Prevalin Direct Eye Drops soothe and calm irritation, dryness, burning and the sensation of foreign particles in the eyes.
Do you suffer from a runny nose, stuffy nose or sneezing? With Direct Plus Nasal Spray* from Prevalin you tackle the first symptoms of hay fever and prevent an allergic reaction. Prevalin Direct Plus Nasal Spray works quickly and effectively for hay fever and reduces sensitivity to allergens. The spray is fully effective after 3 minutes, which is 5x faster than tablets!
Out of stockHeb jij last van tranende, geïrriteerde of jeukende ogen? Dan kunnen Prevalin Oogdruppels* voor jou een oplossing zijn! De oogdruppels helpen je bij je allergieklachten. Allergie oogdruppels helpen allergieklachten voorkomen en laten deze (zo goed als) verdwijnen. De druppels helpen tegen: Rode ogen Tranende ogen Gezwollen oogleden Branderigheid en jeuk van het oog