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    Rhodiola Root Extract 60 stuks Solgar

    Original price was: € 30,73.Current price is: € 26,13.
    Solgar Rhodiola Root Extract is een adaptogeen. Het kruid draagt bij aan lichamelijk prestatie en conditie, is goed voor de concentratie en voor het geheugen.
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    L-Glutamine 500 mg 50 stuks Solgar

    Original price was: € 16,06.Current price is: € 13,65.
    Solgar L-Glutamine 500 mg dient als belangrijke brandstof voor cellen die veel energie vragen en weefselcellen die zichzelf snel vernieuwen (slijmvliezen).
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    Lit’l Squirts® Children’s Chewable DHA 90 stuks Solgar

    Original price was: € 36,65.Current price is: € 31,16.
    Solgar Lit’l Squirts Children's Chewable DHA (kauwbare DHA softgels) is een rijke bron van DHA. DHA is het meest voorkomende essentiële vetzuur in de hersenen en speelt een rol bij het functioneren van de hersenen. Dit beoogde effect kan bereikt worden bij een dagelijkse inname van 250 mg DHA (inclusief de voeding).
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    Cod Liver Oil 100 stuks Solgar

    Original price was: € 9,40.Current price is: € 7,99.
    Solgar Cod Liver Oil bevat levertraan. Levertraanolie bevat vitamine A, D en omega-3 vetzuren. Vitamine A helpt bij het behoud van normale slijmvliezen. Vitamine D speelt onder andere een rol bij de botaanmaak en in het immuunsysteem.
  • Sale!

    Evening Primrose Oil 1300 mg 30 stuks Solgar

    Original price was: € 21,28.Current price is: € 18,09.
    Solgar Evening Primrose Oil 1300 mg bevat 117 mg GLA uit teunisbloemolie per softgel.
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    Folacin (folic acid) 800 mcg 100 stuks Solgar

    Original price was: € 8,94.Current price is: € 7,61.
    Solgar Folacin 800 mcg (foliumzuur, vitamine B-9, vitamine Bc, vitamine B-11) speelt een rol bij de vorming van rode bloedcellen, de bloedopbouw en de omzetting van vitamine B-12. Foliumzuur is een methyldonor en helpt daardoor bij het verlagen van het homocysteïne gehalte in het bloed. Zwangeren en vrouwen met een kinderwens wordt extra inname aanbevolen ter bevordering van een goede ontwikkeling van het zenuwstelsel van het ongeboren kind.
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    Choline/Inositol 250/250 mg 50 stuks Solgar

    Original price was: € 13,30.Current price is: € 11,31.
    Solgar Choline/Inositol 250/250 speelt een belangrijke rol bij de vetstofwisseling en heeft een positieve invloed op de lever. Choline wordt gerekend tot de B-vitaminen.
  • Sale!

    Vitamin D-3 1000 IU 90 pcs Solgar

    Original price was: € 13,72.Current price is: € 11,66.
    Solgar Vitamin D-3 25 mcg/1000 IU contains the most effective form of vitamin D. Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium in the bones. Vitamin D has a positive effect on the immune system. Extra vitamin D is used to supplement the diet or in case of increased need (such as in children, the elderly and pregnant women). People with dark skin or people who for some reason do not sufficiently expose their skin to daylight, also have an increased need.
  • Sale!

    Fish Oil Concentrate 1000 mg 60 pieces Solgar

    Original price was: € 24,31.Current price is: € 20,67.
    Solgar Fish Oil Concentrate 1000 mg has a beneficial effect on the heart. EPA and DHA are important building blocks for the brain, play a role in brain function and are good for vision. This intended effect can be achieved with a daily intake of 250 mg EPA and DHA (including food) or 450 mg (pregnant and breastfeeding).
  • Sale!

    Ginkgo 60 mg 60 pieces Solgar

    Original price was: € 23,26.Current price is: € 19,77.
    Solgar Ginkgo 60 mg (Japanese Temple Tree) is mainly used by seniors to protect against signs of aging and to support concentration and memory. Ginkgo biloba is suitable for long-term use (months, years).
  • Sale!

    Kangavites™ Bouncing Berry 120 pieces Solgar

    Original price was: € 28,39.Current price is: € 24,14.
    Solgar Kangavites™ Bouncing Berry is a multi-vitamin/mineral complex for toddlers and preschoolers. Solgar Kangavites™ provides basic vitamins and minerals.
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    L-Lysine 1000 mg 50 pieces Solgar

    Original price was: € 13,99.Current price is: € 11,89.
    Solgar L-Lysine 1000mg is a free-form amino acid.
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    L-Lysine 1000 mg 100 pieces Solgar

    Original price was: € 25,55.Current price is: € 21,72.
    Solgar L-Lysine 1000mg is a free-form amino acid.
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    L-Tyrosine 500 mg 50 pieces Solgar

    Original price was: € 19,22.Current price is: € 16,34.
    Solgar L-Tyrosine 500mg contains tyrosine in free form.
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    Man Multiple 60 pieces Solgar

    Original price was: € 27,48.Current price is: € 23,36.
    Solgar Man Multiple is a broadly composed multi-vitamin/mineral preparation; especially for men.
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    Quercetin Complex 50 pieces Solgar

    Original price was: € 24,72.Current price is: € 21,02.
    Solgar Quercetin Complex has a positive influence on the immune system and also ensures a good resistance (vitamin C).
  • Sale!

    Super Starflower Oil 1300 mg (300 mg GLA) 30 pieces Solgar

    Original price was: € 26,56.Current price is: € 22,58.
    Solgar Super Starflower Oil 1300 mg (Borage) contains 300 mg of GLA (an omega-6 fatty acid) from borage oil per softgel.
  • Sale!

    Vitamin D-3 4000 IU 120 pcs Solgar

    Original price was: € 43,99.Current price is: € 37,39.
    Solgar Vitamin D-3 4000 IU/100 mcg contains the most effective form of vitamin D. Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium in the bones. Vitamin D has a positive effect on the immune system. Extra vitamin D is used to supplement the diet or in case of increased need (such as in children, the elderly and pregnant women). People with dark skin or people who for some reason do not sufficiently expose their skin to daylight, also have an increased need.
  • Sale!

    Vitamin B-12 1000 mcg 100 pieces Solgar

    Original price was: € 17,11.Current price is: € 14,54.
    Solgar Vitamin B-12 1000 mcg plays a role in blood building, iron absorption and the conversion of folic acid. Vitamin B-12 is a methyl donor and therefore helps to lower homocysteine levels in the blood. Vitamin B-12 is good for memory. The absorption of vitamin B-12 depends on stomach acid and intrinsic factor. In the elderly and people who use gastric acid inhibitors, the absorption is often reduced, so that high doses (minimum 500 mcg) are required.
  • Sale!

    Vitamin D-3 400 IU 100 pcs Solgar

    Original price was: € 8,81.Current price is: € 7,49.
    Solgar Vitamin D-3 10 mcg/400 IU contains the most effective form of vitamin D. Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium in the bones. Vitamin D has a positive effect on the immune system. Extra vitamin D is used to supplement the diet or in case of increased need (such as in children, the elderly and pregnant women). People with dark skin or people who for some reason do not sufficiently expose their skin to daylight, also have an increased need.
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