Out of stockSolgar Vision Guard Plus is used to protect against free radicals (vitamins C, E, selenium, zinc) and supports the condition of the eyes (vitamin A, zinc, Eyebright, Ginkgo). It supports the connective tissue and small blood vessels in the eye (Bilberry). Vision guard has been taken out of the range by Solgar. If you would like an alternative, please contact us for a personal solution.
Solgar Liquid B-12 2000 mcg plays a role in blood building, iron absorption, the conversion of folic acid and helps concentration and memory. Liquid B12 meets the need for extra vitamin B12, in an easy to take, liquid form. The drops contain not only B12, but also seven other B vitamins with which vitamin B12 works together
Out of stockSolgar Uva Ursi & Juniper Formula supports kidney function (juniper, parsley).
Solgar Vitamin D-3 25 mcg/1000 IU contains the most effective form of vitamin D. Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium in the bones. Vitamin D has a positive effect on the immune system. Extra vitamin D is used to supplement the diet or in case of increased need (such as in children, the elderly and pregnant women). People with dark skin or people who for some reason do not sufficiently expose their skin to daylight, also have an increased need.
Out of stockSolgar Balance Rhodiola Complex is used for mental pressure and tension (Rhodiola, Licorice root and Siberian ginseng) and supports the energy level (magnesium, vitamins B-3, B-5, B-6).