Body Natural Care
“Alka® Deo, dé eerste deodorant die basisch, vegan & natuurlijk is!”
Alka deo stick Into the Woods 75 ml
revitalises and absorbs excess moisture
Deodoriserende Voetcrème 30 ml Hauschka
The ultimate natural moisturiser for dry, rough skin everywhere.
Skin food huidcrème 75 ml Weleda
Refreshes and softens tired, dry feet.
Voetbalsem 75 ml Weleda
gentle, nourishing shower cream with lemon & lemongrass
Shower cream lemon lemongrass 150 ml Hauschka
Easy to apply Roll-On Deo with natural essential oils, free of aluminum salts.
Granaatappel 24h rol on deodorant 50 ml Weleda
Easy to apply Roll-On Deo with natural essential oils, free of aluminum salts.
Duindoorn 24h rol on deodorant 50 ml Weleda
24h reliable protection and freshness.
Citrus 24h rol on deodorant 50 ml Weleda
Convenient Roll-On Deo with natural essential oils, free of aluminium salts.
Men 24h rol on deodorant 50 ml Weleda