Vitamins & Minerals by Vitamindesk
Out of stockMicrobiol Intiem is een probioticum voor oraal gebruik, specifiek bestemd voor vrouwen. Het combineert de bekende stammen Lactobacillus rhamnosus, GR-1 en Lactobacillus reuteri, RC-14. Hiermee is een superieur duo ontstaan. Deze stammen komen oorspronkelijk uit de vrouwelijke distale urethra (het verste deel van de cilindrische holte die de urineblaas verbindt met de buitenkant van het lichaam). Microbiol Intiem bevat 5 miljard cfu (colony forming units, oftewel: aantal levensvatbare bacteriën dat in staat is zich te vermenigvuldigen en een kolonie te vormen).
Microbiol Kind is a unique probiotic in drop form, specially developed for babies from birth and young children up to 4 years. Without flavors or other unnecessary additives. Ideal to smear on the nipple during breastfeeding, to add to the bottle or simply to give on a spoon. Contains 1 billion colony forming units (cfu) of the bacterial strain Bifidobacterium, BB-12
Please note: due to greatly increased raw material costs, Vitals is unfortunately forced to increase the price of Microbiol Trio Basic from 29.95 to 34.95. The shelf life of this product on delivery is up to 15 months. This product combines the well-known strains Lactobacillus acidophilus, LA-5 and Bifidobacterium lactis, BB-12 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus, GG, by far the most well-known strain. This created a superior trio. Microbiol Trio Basis contains 3 billion cfu (colony forming units, in other words: the number of viable bacteria that are able to multiply and form a colony). Also available as Microbiol Trio Platinum with 20 billion cfu.
Please note: due to greatly increased raw material costs, Vitals is unfortunately forced to increase the price of Microbiol Trio Platinum from 69.95 to 79.95. The shelf life of this product on delivery is up to 15 months. This product combines the well-known strains Lactobacillus acidophilus, LA-5 and Bifidobacterium lactis, BB-12 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus, GG, by far the most well-known strain. This created a superior trio. Microbiol Trio Platinum contains 20 billion cfu (colony forming units, or the number of viable bacteria that are able to multiply and form a colony). Also available as Microbiol Trio Basic with 3 billion cfu.
Out of stockinformation to follow
Sale!Solgar Milk Thistle (Mariadistel, Sylibum marianum) heeft een positieve invloed op de lever.
Out of stockSolgar Milk Thistle Herb Extract (Mariadistel, Carduus marianus) heeft een positieve invloed op de lever.
Hoge biologsche opname
Mineralen complex 90 vegicapsules Vitakruid
Sale!Soms kunnen mond en keel ondersteuning gebruiken. Ze staan in open verbinding met de buitenlucht en verdienen zo nu en dan extra aandacht. New Care Mond & Keel spray kan daarbij helpen.