Vitamins & Minerals by Vitamindesk
Geeft geen winderigheid of opgeblazen gevoel op basis van oplosbare vezels uit baobab en acacia, vegan
Fiber powder150 grams New Care
Fibers are an important part of a varied and balanced diet. Fiber can be divided into two categories: water-soluble fiber and water-insoluble fiber. Examples of water-soluble fibers are acacia, pectin (baobab), inulin and psyllium. Non-water soluble fibers include fibers from (whole grain) grains. Water-soluble fibers are also called prebiotics. The sap of the acacia tree is rich in water-soluble fiber. Baobab fruit pulp is a superfood and rich in water-soluble pectin fibers. New Care Fiber powder is a sustainable, vegan fiber formula with soluble fibers from acacia and baobab. The processed InaveaTM Acacia & Baobab in New Care Fiber powder is just as effective at a daily dose of 5 grams as single baobab or acacia in a double daily dose of 10 grams. -
Ester-C® PLUS Effervescent Drink is an effervescent powder with a refreshing orange flavour.
Ester-C Plus Effervescent 1000 mg 21 sachets effervescent powder Solgar
Ester-C® Plus is a unique, effective form of vitamin C. Ester-C® Plus Effervescent Drink is an effervescent powder with a refreshing orange flavour. It provides 24-hour immune system support¹, contains B vitamins to release energy², contains zinc for immune¹ and cognitive support³, contains magnesium for electrolyte balance and helps to recharge the body and mind⁴. -
Smakelijke en makkelijk in te nemen gummies ter ondersteuning van de weerstand¹, als aanvulling op gezonde voeding
Dino weerstand gummies 60 stuks Orthica
Smakelijke en makkelijk in te nemen gummies ter ondersteuning van de weerstand¹, als aanvulling op gezonde voeding. Bevat vitaminen, mineralen en kruiden-planten bestanddelen. Met hoge doseringen vitamine C, D en zink. Daarnaast bevatten de gummies ook vlierbesextract. In lekkere frambozensmaak. Positieve invloed op het immuunsysteem1 Voor het behoud van sterke botten2 Voor geestelijke energie3 Bevat vlierbes extract Smakelijke en makkelijk in te nemen gummies Vegan 1 Zink, vitamine C en D 2 Zink, vitamine D 3 Vitamine C -
Out of stockGinkgo biloba helps protect against signs of aging, is good for the memory, has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation and is good for hearing and vision.
De samenstellingen zijn gebaseerd op eeuwenoude traditionele receptuur uit de Ayurveda kruidenleer.
Candiaf 90 tabletten Vedaherb
De samenstellingen zijn gebaseerd op eeuwenoude traditionele receptuur uit de Ayurveda kruidenleer. -
Equazen baby is a special food supplement with a combination of omega 3 (DHA and EPA) and omega 6 fatty acids (GLA). These fatty acids are important as support during the first years of life. After birth, breastfeeding (via the mother's diet) provides the baby with DHA. Even after the period of breastfeeding, the baby still has a high need for DHA, especially as long as fish does not appear in the menu. Equazen baby contains only natural, high quality fatty acids from the first cold pressing of evening primrose oil and a very pure form of DHA from sustainably caught wild tuna. The fish oil has been purified from all possible environmental pollutants and meets the strictest standards for safe daily use. DHA is an important building block for the brain and plays a role in brain function[1] DHA contributes to optimal vision development in infants up to 12 months of age[2].
Supports transition and a good night's sleep
Ymea Day and Night 64 capsules
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