Protection for delicate baby skin in harsh weather.
Calendula baby weer en windbalsem 30 ml Weleda
Gentle in the bath and shower, for a naturally clean baby.
Calendula baby haar en bodyshampoo 200 ml Weleda
Gentle protection and moisture for baby’s exposed skin.
Calendula baby gezichtscrème 50 ml Weleda
Gently cleanse and nourish delicate baby skin.
Calendula baby crèmebad 200 ml Weleda
Mild moisturising and calming lotion for delicate skin.
Calendula baby bodymilk 200 ml weleda
Rich intensive skin cream for baby care.
Calendula baby bodycrème 75 ml Weleda
Cares for and protects the delicate skin of the nappy area.
Calendula baby billenbalsem 75 ml Weleda
Soothing and comforting for baby’s hypersensitive, dry or atopic skin.
Baby witte malva sensitive gezichtscreme 50 ml Weleda
Absorbs moisture and protects against skin irritations.
Baby poeder 20 gram Weleda
Natural oil for massage to soothe baby’s tummy and help digestion.
Baby buikjesolie 50 ml Weleda
Helpt de huid bij herstel, bescherming en verzorging
Bepanthen Zalf beschermende 50 gram
voedt de huid en ondersteunt zo het huidherste
Bepanthen Intensief lotion 200 ml
Voordeel verpakking van 50 gram
Bepanthen Eczeem crème 50 gram