Omega's / Fatty Acid
Sale!Solgar Cod Liver Oil bevat levertraan. Levertraanolie bevat vitamine A, D en omega-3 vetzuren. Vitamine A helpt bij het behoud van normale slijmvliezen. Vitamine D speelt onder andere een rol bij de botaanmaak en in het immuunsysteem.
Sale!Solgar Cod Liver Oil bevat levertraan. Levertraanolie bevat vitamine A, D en omega-3 vetzuren. Vitamine A helpt bij het behoud van normale slijmvliezen. Vitamine D speelt onder andere een rol bij de botaanmaak en in het immuunsysteem.
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Sale!Solgar Fish Oil Concentrate 1000 mg has a beneficial effect on the heart. EPA and DHA are important building blocks for the brain, play a role in brain function and are good for vision. This intended effect can be achieved with a daily intake of 250 mg EPA and DHA (including food) or 450 mg (pregnant and breastfeeding).
Sale!Solgar Fish Oil Concentrate 1000 mg has a beneficial effect on the heart. EPA and DHA are important building blocks for the brain, play a role in brain function and are good for vision. This intended effect can be achieved with a daily intake of 250 mg EPA and DHA (including food) or 450 mg (pregnant and breastfeeding).
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MorDHA Mini has been specially developed for children aged 3 years and up and is therefore available in a very small softgel capsule.
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MorDHA Mini is specially developed for children from 3 years and therefore available in a very small softgel capsule. With 1 softgel per day a child gets 250 mg DHA. MorDHA Mini is also suitable for adults who have difficulty swallowing larger softgels. -
MorEPA Mini has been specially developed for children from 6 years old. With two softgels a day, children receive 500 mg EPA and 110 mg DHA in an ideal ratio. The softgels have a delicious strawberry flavour. MorEPA Mini is also suitable for adults who have difficulty swallowing larger softgels. DHA supports the functioning of the brain DHA is an important building block for the brain. It is therefore good for brain function with a daily intake of 250 mg DHA. MorEPA Mini contains 110 mg DHA per daily dose, which is a nice addition to the intake of DHA with food. MorEPA Mini is supplemented with vitamin D for normal growth and bone development in children. Vitamin D also supports the immune system of children.