Bei Schlafstörungen und leichter nervöser Anspannung.

Dormiplant valerian 20 tablets VSM


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SKU: 16118 Category: Brand: Z-index15903079
Weight 1 g

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Product description

Dormiplant Valerian is a herbal medicine and can be used to reduce mild nervous tension and sleep disorders.
1 tablet contains 500 milligrams of Valeriana officinalis Lsl root extract (valerian root extract), which is known for its soothing effect. If you often sleep poorly , you may suffer from insomnia or a sleep disorder.
Your daily functioning can be hindered because you are tired or irritable.

Your ability to concentrate and your performance can also suffer from your sleep disorder. Dormiplant Valerian can help to relax.

Attention! This is a homeopathic medicine!

Homeopathy is a medicine with a fundamentally different view of illness and health
than conventional medicine. That is why homeopathic medicines are fundamentally different from regular medicines. The difference is that the application is solely based on homeopathy and the effect is not scientifically substantiated. Homeopathy is based on two principles: the first is that you can combat symptoms of disease with a remedy that evokes precisely those symptoms in healthy people. The second principle says that the homeopathic substance becomes more and more effective the more it is diluted and shaken in a certain way.

Since 1 July 2013, homeopathic medicines may no longer be sold with a medical claim on the packaging that is not scientifically substantiated. Minister Schippers has decided this in response to the decision of the Council of State in April 2012. Consumers must therefore make a choice from now on for a homeopathic medicine without the essential information on the packaging and in the package leaflet.

Do you still have questions about this homeopathic medicine after reading the information on this page?
Then call our customer service and ask for one of our certified chemists on telephone number +31-71-3000012.



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