Medisch hulpmiddel. Lees voor gebruik de gebruiksaanwijzing. Heb je dagelijks te maken met zeer droge en geïrriteerde ogen? De A.Vogel Ooggel extra hydratatie met Ectoin® kalmeert en verzacht die zeer droge, geïrriteerde en vermoeide ogen. Door de wat dikkere substantie blijft de gel langer aanwezig in het oog, wat zorgt voor een extra intensieve en langere hydratatie van de ogen. Dit vormt bovendien een beschermlaag voor het oog en voorkomt daarmee oogirritaties. Zo werkt de gel ook preventief.
Sale!Basic supplement fish oil - *EPA and DHA are good for the heart - **DHA is good for eyesight * The beneficial effect is obtained with an intake of 250 mg EPA and DHA per day. **the beneficial effect is obtained with an intake of 250 mg DHA per day.
Sale!Adjust the shape as you need it
Nomi Tang Flex Bi Bendable Dual Stimulation Vibrator Purple (English)
Sale!Adjust the shape as you need it
Nomi Tang Flex Bi Bendable Dual Stimulation Vibrator Pink
De Hibiscus heeft zeldzame regeneratieve eigenschappen, bevordert de celvernieuwing en Edelweiss remineraliseert diep, Sesam is een krachtige antioxidant die een belangrijke rol speelt in de verjonging van de huid, en Macadamia verbetert de microcirculatie voor een frisse en stralende huid. Dermatologisch getest.
Nicorette Menthol Mint chewing gum contains nicotine and is used to counteract the withdrawal symptoms most smokers experience when they want to reduce or stop smoking. Do not use if - You are allergic to any of the ingredients of this medicine. - You have a serious heart condition: - a recent heart attack; - cardiac arrhythmias; - a tight, painful feeling in the chest (angina pectoris); - a so-called Prinzmetal angina. - You have recently had a cerebral haemorrhage (stroke). - You have an inflammation of the mouth, throat or esophagus
The nicotine in the Nicorette chewing gum belongs to the group of withdrawal drugs. What it is used for Nicorette Menthol Mint chewing gum contains nicotine and is used to treat the withdrawal symptoms most smokers experience when they want to reduce or stop smoking. Do not use if - You are allergic to any of the ingredients in this medicine. - You have a serious heart condition: - a recent heart attack; - cardiac arrhythmias; - a tight, painful feeling in the chest (angina pectoris); - a so-called Prinzmetal angina. - You have recently had a cerebral haemorrhage (stroke). - You have an inflammation of the mouth, throat or esophagus
The nicotine in the Nicorette chewing gum belongs to the group of withdrawal drugs. What it is used for Nicorette Menthol Mint chewing gum contains nicotine and is used to treat the withdrawal symptoms most smokers experience when they want to reduce or stop smoking. Do not use if - You are allergic to any of the ingredients in this medicine. - You have a serious heart condition: - a recent heart attack; - cardiac arrhythmias; - a tight, painful feeling in the chest (angina pectoris); - a so-called Prinzmetal angina. - You have recently had a cerebral haemorrhage (stroke). - You have an inflammation of the mouth, throat or esophagus