Easy to apply Roll-On Deo with natural essential oils, free of aluminum salts.
Duindoorn 24h rol on deodorant 50 ml Weleda
24h reliable protection and freshness.
Citrus 24h rol on deodorant 50 ml Weleda
Convenient Roll-On Deo with natural essential oils, free of aluminium salts.
Men 24h rol on deodorant 50 ml Weleda
Light floral lotion to soften normal to dry skin.
Wilde Rozen verwennende bodylotion 200 ml Weleda
Daily use body lotion to prevent the premature ageing of the skin.
Granaatappel regenererende bodylotion 200 ml Weleda
Cool, fresh body moisturiser for everyone.
Citrus hydraterende bodylotion 200 ml Weleda
A particularly mild formula, created using just a few, carefully selected ingredients, to calm irritation-prone skin and gently care for the skin.
Amandel verzachtende bodylotion 200 ml Weleda
Intensely enriching moisture with precious rose oil
Wilde rozen harmoniserende olie 100 ml Weleda
Indulgent antioxidant oil, for all skin needs to stay radiant
Granaatappel regeneratie olie 100 ml Weleda
The natural treatment for cellulite skin.
Berken cellulitis olie 100 ml Weleda
The ultimate relaxation body oil for normal to dry skin.
Lavendel ontspannende body olie 100 ml Weleda
Out of stockGeweldige sonische golven!
Lelo – Sona 2 Sonic Clitorale Massager Zwart
Out of stockGeweldige sonische golven!
Lelo – Sona 2 Sonic Clitorale Massager Roze
Out of stockGeweldige sonische golven!
Lelo – Sona 2 Sonic Clitorale Massager Paars
Out of stockAir stimulator, voor een heel ander orgasme dan je gewend bent
Lelo – Sona 2 Cruise Sonic Clitorale Massager Zwart
Out of stockAir stimulator, voor een heel ander orgasme dan je gewend bent
Lelo – Sona 2 Cruise Sonic Clitorale Massager Roze
Out of stockAir stimulator, voor een heel ander orgasme dan je gewend bent
Lelo – Sona 2 Cruise Sonic Clitorale Massager Paars