Unique fluoride-free toothpaste with sea salt and gentle mineral cleansers.
Saline toothpaste 75 ml Weleda
A dietary supplement to support normal liver function *
Hepatodoron kauwtabletten 200 tabletten Weleda
Gentle shaving formula for a smooth, comfortable wet shave.
Scheercreme 75 ml Weleda
A fresh, zesty cleansing wash to wake you up under the shower.
Citrus refreshment shower 200 ml Weleda
Men’s grooming based on nature.
After shave balsem 100 ml Weleda
Refresh breath and strengthen gums which tend to bleed.
Ratanhia mondwater 50 ml Weleda
Nourishing natural protection for dry and delicate lips.
Everon lippenbalsem 4,8 gram Welada
Proven stronger, healthier hair and reduced hair loss.
Revitalizing hair lotion 100 ml Weleda
Wake up and revive your senses while you wash.
Rozemarijn activeringsbad 200 ml Weleda
Protects ageing skin from environmental damage.
Granaatappel regeneratie handcrème 50 ml Weleda
To clear blocked, stuffy noses.
Rhinodoron nasal spray with Aloe Vera 20 ml Weleda
Easy to apply Roll-On Deo with natural essential oils, free of aluminum salts.
Granaatappel 24h rol on deodorant 50 ml Weleda
Cares for and protects the delicate skin of the nappy area.
Calendula baby billenbalsem 75 ml Weleda
Total relaxation from a lavender bath.
Lavendel ontspanningsbad 200 ml Weleda
Natural care for children’s sensitive milk teeth.
Kindertandpasta 50 ml Weleda